For All the earth shall worship thee, sing of thee, and praise thy Name.
Psalm 66, v. 3
The music program at All Saints Anglican Church reflects the traditional liturgy of orthodox Anglican worship. Within this framework, the All Saints Music Program plays a vital role in enhancing our Christian worship and in underscoring the tenets and teachings of our Christian faith, while affording interested parish members the opportunity to give of their time and talents.
Many of our members regularly share their talents by performing music that spans the history of the Anglican church as a vital and vibrant part of Christianity. Our choir is ably led by Music Director Liz Albertson and backed by various accompanists as needed, typically in music ranging from the 17th through the 21st Centuries.
Most services feature organ preludes and postludes by our Organist/Pianist, or soloists.
For those who may be interested in singing with our choir, we routinely practice on Sunday mornings prior to our service.
Liz Albertson
Liz Albertson’s educational background includes a BS in Music Education, with a Major in Instrumental/Vocal and a Minor in String, and an MA in Music Education, with emphasis on Performance. She is experienced in making full use of vocal and instrumental musicians. Prior to moving to North Carolina, she served as Director of Music for churches in the Chicago area and in West Central Illinois.
Natalie Petruska
Natalie Petruska has an undergraduate degree in Piano/Organ/Education, an MA in Education, and continuing graduate studies in Music, Organ, and Violin. With thirty-six years experience as Organist and Music Director at Catholic parishes in Pennsylvania and Connecticut, she joins us following her recent relocation to the Raleigh area.